GosuncnWelink wins China Telecom NB-IoT module bidding

16 October, 2017, Shenzhen, China- China Telecom, one of the top-end telecom operators in the world,announced that GosuncnWelink Technology Co., Ltd. , a leading provider of communicationmodules, 4G OBD products and IoT solutions, has won China Telecom’s NB-IoTmodule bidding. The amount is up to 500 thousand pieces.

The tender is launchedby China Telecom as a promotion event aim to lower the NB-IoT industry entrythreshold and promote the cost reduction to promote the maturity of NB-IoTindustrial chain. A total of 12 module manufacturers participated in thisbidding for one month. China Telecom has adopted a comprehensive assessmentmethod, In addition to price, prior experience, service capabilities andproduct technical performance also accounts for large proportion of theassessment.